Friday, March 9, 2012

Exercise: Level 1

Hey everyone! So I was browsing the internet and came across a blog on tumblr ( It is a blog all about fitness and getting in shape. The blogger has an exercise plan that has 4 levels (soon to be five) and I am choosing to do this. Below is the level 1 workout plan. At first look it does seem very easy but I was looking ahead at the higher levels and they do get much harder, let me tell you! I plan to follow this whole workout. It will help me start out easy and gradually get to tougher workouts. It seems like very little to do a day but this is what I am choosing to do. Feel free to use this!
Below is the Starters Exercise plan if you wish to start a little easier than level one. (I am starting with level one but feel free to start with the starter's plan!) This is a great way to get you used to exercising every day!
Good luck everyone!

Olivia :)

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